Thanks to everyone who has supported me through this entire adventure. I am forever grateful and thankful. I do believe God gave me a gift, a gift of creativity and a little bit of talent with a paint brush but I also believe there is a time in life when using a gift, a talent or something we are passionate about is not to be used for monetary gain. I believe this time has come for me. I have not at all lost my drive to create, my passion for design or painting but for many reasons it is time for me to move on. My list of people to thank could easily go into the hundreds if I named you all so I'm only going to name a few. These people were instrumental in the very beginning and gave me the confidence and push to start this years ago. My mom and Dad (Travis an Sharon Smith), my sister (Lisa Ledet), brother and sister-in-law (Amy and Michael Smith) my husband (Jason Hess), and my long time friend Jenny Gulett. THANK YOU!
If you know me very well, you know I will not sit idle. I will still have lots on my plate, its just how
I operate. If you are not already aware I own a Yard Greeting business here in McKinney, TX with a good friend Karri Milam. Our company is called SIGN GYPSIES, find us on FB!! or here
I have also accepted a new job as a TRUNK KEEPER with Matilda Jane Clothing! I am super super excited about this. I Have my own Matilda Jane FB page, you can find it by searched ng Stacey Hess Trunk Keeper. If you are not familiar with the line of clothing for babies, girls, teens and women I assure you, you will fall in love! I love what they stand for, love their clothes and am very grateful to have a position with this great company. I look forward to gaining new clients, visiting with old ones and introducing this line to anyone who will listen :-)
I hope you enjoy this little slide show. The photos are not in any order but there are pics from every year in business. Including my very first Furniture refinishing class (I believe it was in 2010) I'm hoping someone else will remember but I know it was before there was any such thing as Chalk Paint :-)
Click here for Video

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